This is merely conjecture at this point

Is Donald Trump's immigration executive order the action of a reckless amateur or a tactical ploy in service to a strategy? The smart people, who understood Trump so well in the presidential campaign are united in the former. It is the latter possibility that interests me. I'm of the opinion that no one who has been in Congress, the Presidency, State Dept. and Homeland Security for the last decade is enthused about the resurfacing of votes, policy, statements and actions thought safely flushed down the memory hole. A reexamination in regards to political malfeasance in the closet would reveal the need for a bigger closet, much bigger. The scope of the blatant fraud, complicity and deceit cannot be contained in 2017 as a piddling biased narrative cannot be sustained for 24 hrs. Trump's action has forced everybody to show their hand it's an ambush of sorts: lure the enemy in to a kill zone and then spring the trap; goodbye memory hole. At the end of the day I do not see how he loses if he gets slapped down. I doubt he is under the illusion that the Federal Government is his friend. Then there is the inevitable; the next terror attack and the one after that. Trump gets to say I wanted a 120-day suspension to start trying to protect the American people and get a handle on immigration but the establishment in Congress, State Dept. and Judiciary did not.
